Set up rides, charge to your debit card and track your route. This is the main screen ‘home’ where can access your account’s main menu: This is the account’s main menu where can access your account’s views – such as account, payments, trips, promos, help, terms, system status, etc: This is the account’s views – […]
In the Human vs Uber vs Lyft debate, there are many different factors to consider before picking one rideshare service. But which one is best? We will break down the pros and cons of each and help you determine which is best for you. Categories Human Uber Lyft Rider safety Trip preview Multiple payments Refer […]
Today is your lucky day!You can request a human driver!Not a robocar but a REAL PERSON! Think it is impossible since robocars took over jobs, places, humans, everyone and everything? Wrong! We have it and you got it!! Every HUMAN driver is committed to safety, knowing by heart that a life cannot be replaced, unlike […]